Operating system: Windows
Category: Drivers
License: Trial
Review rating:
Official page: DriverUpdate


DriverUpdate – a software to search and update the drivers. DriverUpdate supports driver updates for such computer components as sound and video cards, motherboards, network cards, printers, input devices, etc. DriverUpdate scans your computer in detail for the outdated drivers, displays the found drivers in the list and offers to update them to the latest version. The software can create the backups in case of an unforeseen situation or a recovery point to return a driver to the initial state. DriverUpdate supports the automatic update of the drivers versions at the set time.

Main features:

  • Fast and efficient scan
  • Installation of the optimally appropriate drivers for the current system
  • Detailed display of the driver information
  • Backups and recovery points
  • Automatic update of the versions at a set time



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