Operating system: Windows
Category: Education
License: Free
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Official page: WordWeb
Wikipedia: WordWeb


WordWeb – a software to search the different words and word combinations in a huge database. The software searches for the right words which are displayed together with transcription, explanation and correct pronunciation and there is the ability to find their synonyms, antonyms, anagrams etc. WordWeb enables to view the definitions of missing words using various Web-dictionaries which reflect the full information about the found words. Also WordWeb defines the American, British, Australian, Asian, Canadian and other dialects of the English language.

Main features:

  • A huge database of indigenous words, synonyms and different pronunciations
  • Displays detailed information about the words
  • Views the missing words in the Web-dictionaries
  • Displays an explanatory note while typing the name
  • Supports various dialects of the English language


English, English (United States), English (United Kingdom), English (Australia)...

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