Operating system: Windows
Category: Cheating
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: Cheat Engine
Wikipedia: Cheat Engine


Cheat Engine – a compact and useful application to penetrate in the data of various games. Cheat Engine is able to simplify the difficulty level of the game and provides to the player a high level of health stock, game currency, weapons and other resources. The software enables the partial change of values and settings of the most games for the personal needs of the player. Also the software allows you to create your own cheats and trainers for their implementation in the games. Cheat Engine consumes minimum system resources and has a simple interface.

Main features:

  • Getting the unlimited gaming resources
  • Creation of сheats and trainers
  • Acceleration of characters’ moves
  • Simplification of difficulty level of the game


Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine
Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine


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