WindowsInternetE-mailHoward E-Mail Notifier
Operating system: Windows
Category: E-mail
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: Howard E-Mail Notifier


Howard E-Mail Notifier – a software designed to track new emails and messages on social networks. The software offers to enter your own account data for each available service and track new incoming messages from the system tray. Howard E-Mail Notifier includes a number of email services and social networks: Gmail, Yahoo!, Outlook,, La Poste, SFR, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. The software notifies the user about a new message by a sound signal and a small pop-up window so that when you click it, the received message opens in the appropriate mailbox. Howard E-Mail Notifier also allows you to set the time interval to check mail, set the duration of the pop-up window and change the icon style in the tray.

Main features:

  • Support for popular email services
  • Notification of a new message in a small pop-up window
  • Audio messaging support
  • Settings of the time interval to check mail
Howard E-Mail Notifier

Howard E-Mail Notifier


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