Operating system: Windows
Category: Programming
License: Free
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Official page: Python
Wikipedia: Python


Python – a powerful tool with support for the object-oriented, functional and imperative programming styles to develop the software for various purposes. The programming language on which this tool works, allows you to develop the programs with a graphic interface, system and scientific applications, command line utilities, games, etc. Python contains a large standard library and advanced language functions which greatly simplify the solutions to problems of different complexity. The tight integration with other languages and tools is implemented and the user can write the module extensions in C and C++. Python supports a readable syntax and convenient system functions which makes it easier for different users to navigate in the code written by another person.

Main features:

  • Intuitive and readable syntax
  • A large standard library
  • Excellent modularity support
  • Automatic garbage collection
  • Integration with C and C++



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