Operating system: Windows
Category: Internet others
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: TweetDeck
Wikipedia: TweetDeck


TweetDeck – a software to work with the popular social networks. TweetDeck provides access to the necessary information of the most social networks and has features to communicate with friends, view the media content, track the news, post the photos etc. The software enables to simultaneously work with multiple accounts in the Twitter and supports the synchronization with different devices. TweetDeck allows you to use the old or new tweets type, determine the location of friends and get the sound notifications of new messages. TweetDeck also has a flexible interface which can be split into different columns to achieve the best inspection.

Main features:

  • Supports the popular social networks
  • Great set of functionality
  • Updates information in real-time
  • Synchronization with other devices
  • Absence of spam and advertising
  • Multilinear interface


English, English (United Kingdom)

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