WindowsSecurityAntivirusesComodo Cloud Antivirus
Operating system: Windows
Category: Antiviruses
License: Free
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Official page: Comodo Cloud Antivirus


Comodo Cloud Antivirus – an antivirus with several protection modules to detect and neutralize various types of viruses. The software uses modern cloud technologies to send data to its own servers and analyze the unknown files in the background. Comodo Cloud Antivirus can scan the most important parts of the system in fast mode, selectively check the files or folders, and perform a full computer scan according to the needs os a user. The software constantly monitors all files and processes for the suspicious actions and promptly warns the user about their suspicious activity that may threaten the security of the system. Comodo Cloud Antivirus automatically isolates files and apps into a virtual environment to run unknown files and zero-day malware without endangering your computer. Also, Comodo Cloud Antivirus warns the user about attempts of malicious software to make unauthorized changes to the browser settings.

Main features:

  • Cloud file scan
  • Heuristic analysis
  • Check of suspicious files in a sandbox
  • Isolating dangerous files to quarantine
Comodo Cloud Antivirus

Comodo Cloud Antivirus


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