Operating system: Windows
Category: Other software
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: Point-N-Click


Point-N-Click – a software for disabled people who find it difficult to use a computer mouse. The software allows you to click the mouse in the various Windows or DOS applications which are open in the window mode, and some applications that are launch in full screen mode. Point-N-Click helps to open and close apps, access to the taskbar, move or select objects, manage browser field, play games, etc. The software offers to set the mouse sensitivity according to the capabilities of each user by using a special test. Point-N-Click allows you to add or remove icons from the main menu of the software, where each is responsible for a certain action of the mouse or some keys of the keyboard. The software also has an intuitive interface and contains a number of tools to adjust settings for personal needs.

Main features:

  • Support for window and full-screen applications
  • Sensitivity settings
  • Support for some keyboard keys
  • Many tools to adjust parameters



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