Operating system: Windows
License: Free
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Official page: Core Temp


Core Temp – a small utility to monitor the processor temperature in a real time mode. The software can display the temperature data of each processor in the system and each including core. Core Temp provides the detailed processor characteristics such as model and type of the processor, number of cores, clock speed, CPUID, TDP, platform, etc. The software contains tools to optimize the automatic prevention of CPU overheating and set up the notifications in the case of reaching a critical temperature. Also Core Temp supports the connections of plug-ins from third-party developers to expand its own functionality.

Main features:

  • Monitoring the temperature of each processor and core
  • Displays the processor characteristics
  • Overheating protection settings
  • Set up of the pop-up windows
  • Supports Intel, AMD and VIA processors


Core Temp
Core Temp
Core Temp
Core Temp
Core Temp
Core Temp
Core Temp

Core Temp


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