Operating system: Windows
Category: Other software
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: XMind
Wikipedia: XMind


XMind – a software to reproduce different ideas or tasks in the form of circuits. The software allows you to create a basic idea and add the new information to it in order of importance, in the form of logical, tree-like or other circuits. XMind enables to edit certain parts of circuits, add images or links, check the orthography of text and install different statuses for points. The software allows you to use the circuit shared with other users or protect them from unauthorized access using the passwords. XMind also enables to customize the background color, set the parameters of font and publish circuits in the internet.

Main features:

  • Creation of circuits in different forms
  • Edits of circuits
  • Support for general access
  • Many tools to adjust
  • Interaction with similar softwares



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