Operating system: Windows
Category: Other software
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: NVDA
Wikipedia: NVDA


NVDA – a software designed to help the blind or visually challenged people to manage a computer. The software allows people with the vision problems to browse the websites, chat with friends in Skype or social networks, send emails, edit the documents in the office software, etc. NVDA uses a digital voice to transmit information articulating any text that the mouse cursor points at. The software interacts with the braille display and enables to convert text into braille font. Also NVDA uses the different keyboard shortcuts to run the necessary software commands.

Main features:

  • Voicing of the information by speech synthesizer
  • Running of the necessary commands using a set of keyboard shortcuts
  • Chatting with friends in Skype
  • Browsing of the web pages on the internet
  • Interaction with the braille display



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