Operating system: Windows
License: Trial
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Official page: Throttle


Throttle – a software to optimize and accelerate the internet connection. The software performs a number of necessary changes in the settings of the system and increases the productivity of a network connection, providing the instant opening of web pages, fast file downloads and playing the online games without delay. Throttle adjusts independently the work of a modem to reduce the amount of connection failures, eliminate the accidental disconnections and reduce the lockups. The software works with the different connection types and most types of the modems. Throttle has an easy to use interface to make the regular changes to the computer and modem by using several clicks.

Main features:

  • Increasing of the speed of internet connections
  • Quick opening of the web pages and download of files
  • Elimination of accidental disconnections
  • Supports the different types of connections and modems



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