Operating system: Windows
Category: Other software
License: Free
Review rating:
Official page: CoolTerm


CoolTerm – a software to exchange data with devices connected to the serial ports. The software uses a terminal to send messages to the devices such as GPS receivers, servo controllers or robotic kits that are connected to the computer via serial ports, and then sends a response to the user request. First of all, CoolTerm wants to configure a connection in where it’s necessary to specify the port number, transmission speed and other flux control parameters. The software can perform multiple parallel connections through various serial ports and display the received data in text or hexadecimal formats. CoolTerm also supports a function which allows to insert a delay after transferring every packet, the size of which can be specified in the connection settings.

Main features:

  • Display of the received data in text or hexadecimal formats
  • Setting of parameters for flux control
  • Multiple parallel connections through serial ports
  • Optical line status indicators



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