WindowsSecurityAntivirusesF-Secure Anti-Virus
Operating system: Windows
Category: Antiviruses
License: Trial
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Official page: F-Secure Anti-Virus


F-Secure Anti-Virus – a software to protect against modern, new and complex types of threats. Antivirus provides the necessary level of computer security by advanced signature-based malware detection. F-Secure Anti-Virus supports full computer check and a selective scan of vulnerable parts of the system and then removes or relocates detected invaders to quarantine. The software monitors unknown processes and analyzes the behavior of the files and applications, which are more likely to protect against unknown threats and timely block potentially dangerous actions of applications. F-Secure Anti-Virus uses the basic Windows firewall which prevents installed application from downloading malicious files from the internet and makes it impossible for suspicious application to access the world wide web without the user permission. F-Secure Anti-Virus also monitors a set of folders for potentially dangerous changes made by ransomware and allows only secure applications to access protected folders.

Main features:

  • Extended malware protection
  • Analysis of the behavior of the files and apps
  • Detection of potentially dangerous changes in the system
  • Secure connection to the internet
F-Secure Anti-Virus

F-Secure Anti-Virus


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