Operating system: Windows
Category: Antiviruses
License: Free
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Official page: NANO Antivirus
Wikipedia: NANO Antivirus


NANO Antivirus – a software to protect your computer, that uses its own developments in the field of cybersecurity. Antivirus offers a nice level of detection of different viruses, malware, trojans, spyware and other threats. NANO Antivirus scans the file system for the malicious code in real time and instantly blocks or isolates any suspicious object to the quarantine if it is not in the exclusion list. The software uses cloud technologies to compare suspicious files with a sample on antivirus servers and heuristic analysis to detect new and unknown threats, not yet included in the virus database. NANO Antivirus contains a web traffic scanner that checks downloaded files from the internet for infections and visited websites for dangerous content. Also, NANO Antivirus offers to configure restriction rules, network connections and quarantine settings according to your preferences.

Main features:

  • Detection of encrypted and polymorphic viruses
  • Cloud protection technologies
  • Heuristic file analysis
  • Secure web surfing
  • Malware treatment
NANO Antivirus

NANO Antivirus


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