WindowsSecurityAntivirusesNANO Antivirus Pro
Operating system: Windows
Category: Antiviruses
License: Trial
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Official page: NANO Antivirus Pro
Wikipedia: NANO Antivirus Pro


NANO Antivirus Pro – a software to protect against modern cyber threats and prevent infection of the operating system with viruses. The software protects your computer in real time and checks all files accessed by the system or the user for the infection. NANO Antivirus Pro has cloud technologies to compare suspicious files and archives with samples in a database and heuristic analysis to detect new or unknown threats. NANO Antivirus Pro supports various types of scans, including the check of connected USB drives, and offers to configure actions, which will be applied by the antivirus to the detected malicious, suspicious or potentially dangerous objects. Antivirus monitors all types of network traffic in order to timely block fake websites, dangerous links, malicious email attachments and other phishing attempts. NANO Antivirus Pro also offers to use the tools for the malware treatment in order to try to restore the infected user data.

Main features:

  • Detection of all types of malware
  • Check files in the cloud
  • Internet security
  • Heuristic analysis
  • Flexible antivirus settings
NANO Antivirus Pro

NANO Antivirus Pro


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