Operating system: Windows
Category: Other software
License: Trial
Review rating:
Official page: PointerFocus


PointerFocus – a software to display the mouse pointer with animation. The software is able to highlight the pointer with the colored circle and display the click of the left mouse button with the animated circle. PointerFocus has a function to darken the screen and highlight a small area around the mouse cursor. PointerFocus allows you to transform the pointer into the drawing tool on the screen with the specified color and necessary width of a pencil. The software enables to zoom the area around the cursor. Also PointerFocus supports the configuration of all the listed functions for the personal needs of a user.

Main features:

  • Highlighting of the mouse cursor with the colored circle
  • Highlighting of the mouse clicks
  • Function of a "spotlight" around the pointer
  • Drawing on the screen
  • Zoom around the pointer



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